Tuesday, February 07, 2006

If you're reading this, you know that Dr. Tongue passed away on January 10, 2006, at the ripe old age of 16 and a half years old.

I figured rather than put my best pictures of the Doctor on my weblog, I would give him his own blog. The pictures will always be here, and they won't fall away into the archives.

The first one is one of his last good pictures, taken in November 2005.

Then, kitten pictures, from a good 16 years and a half years ago.

Followed by him and his sister, Igor. They were inseparable, until she died in 1999. I like to think they're back together, cuddled up in a chair.

Plus, the nearly-world famous wrestling photos, where the two of them climbed into the wrestling ring I built for my nephew's WWF figures. The sat there like dummies for a few minutes, then began to fight. No staging, no prompting, they did this of their own accord.

And then, what you've all been waiting for..the hugeness, I don't even remember him being that gigantic.

Lastly, a couple of my favourite photos, of him in all his handsomeness.

I had fun, and a few tears, posting all these. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.


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